
Wow 4.3.4 with new models
Wow 4.3.4 with new models

wow 4.3.4 with new models

TanaanLegionTest - an early version of Tanaan Jungle. unused - not much is known about this map. AcquisitionHavoc - this map has unreferenced tiles with what looks like pre-alpha parts of Suramar planing. Artifact-Warrior Fury Acquisition - a unreleased version of early Helheim. 8BoostExperienceHorde - a prototype for a boost location, which is itself an early version of Seething Shore, in Shadowlands Blizzard decided to reuse the map and added an untextured Northrend with a blockout of ICC. TheMawofNashal, AssassinsScenarioDRU, DKMountScenario, WarfrontsDarkshoreAlliance, GorgrondOrcs all early/unreleased versions of different scenarios, featuring placeholder or alpha models. IllidansRock - a map where you were supposed to interact with Illidan while he was jailed in Legion. AkazamarakHatScenario - unreleased scenario, not very interesting on 3.3.5 since it's missing the npc and gameobjects, but fully functional on live (cred. 2168 - BfA level design map, houses 4 prototype parts of Kultiras.ģ. Expansion5QAModelMap houses a big chunk of assets built for WoD, also early graybox wmos for the moving part of Grimrail Depot can be found here. Propland-DevOnly another WoD map, housing a copy of Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, with the way m2s render inside a wmo it's best explored in noggit or another renderer. LevelDesignLand-DevOnly - one of the WoD developer maps, around 50 early garrison variations, unreleased arenas, bgs, locations, wod intro prototypes, it has it all. This is a custom fix, by no means it comes close to the original that we never got, it is still broken, but this is the best we have now.Ģ. Thanks to him as well, textures were somewhat restored with an image to vertex tool using the cata minimap as a source. I recently had an idea of recreating terrain for it from the heightmap stored in the WDL file, with the help of schlumpf that was achieved. Over the years people tried to get around this in a few ways, but the map was still broken. The map that we got was broken, some zones were missing terrain, _obj, _tex files or usually all 3 of them.

#Wow 4.3.4 with new models mod

The map was later revealed and released by MoD on Ownedcore. Originally leaked in a Cata PTR in 2011 and then quickly deleted, only a handful of broken parts of it were gathered. A map that is beloved by the exploration community, considered by some to be one of the coolest maps to ever exist, with an interesting story behind it. He's a little preview of the exhibits made by Dovah.ġ. All necessary assets are downported to 3.3.5. Welcome to the museum! This release is in part a culmination of several months of work on restoring the original Development Land, as well as a collection of developer/prototype/interesting/secret maps from MoP to BfA that I have accumulated. Downporting is not a 1-to-1 thing, m2s render weirdly, some fogs are broken etc. Disclaimer: If you have the knowledge and experience with modelswapping on newer clients remember that it's always best to explore on the proper builds, this release is purely for convenience.

Wow 4.3.4 with new models